Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi said while addressing a public rally in Uttar Pradesh that he is not obsessed with any post and also that his mission is to serve the people and find solution to their problems.
“I hear both officials and aam aadmi. There is a huge difference. I understand that there is truth in your words. Even the officials do not have the knowledge that the people have. That is what I could gather during the past seven years of my interaction with the people,” claimed the Congress General Secretary.
“BJP led NDA in 2004 brought out a slogan like India Shining because they did not realize the real problems of the people. Please tell me whether Mayawati Ji, Mulayam Ji or Advani Ji ever came to you in the past five years?” asked Rahul Gandhi and the crowd responded with a loud ‘NO’ for each question.
Rahul Gandhi claimed that that only a Congress Government can ensure progress and development of aam aadmi and the state. The Congress leader also expressed the hope that the state of U.P can be transformed with the help of the youth in the state and declared that that he would not leave UP till the state stands on its own feet.
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