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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sonia Gandhi addresses Congress rally in Delhi, defends Congress and UPA

Congress President and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on Sunday encouraged the partymen with an aggressive speech defending her party and the UPA government at the centre. She also reiterated that only Congress is committed to work for the benefits of the poor and underprivileged.
“You know that Congress party has always been working for the upliftment of the poor, aam aadmi, farmers, workers and all other sections of the people”  she said.
Stressing that the Congress was a party of the common man, weaker sections, poor and farmers, Sonia Gandhi said no other party in the country could compete with it on secularism. “The voters reposed faith in the Congress in 2004 and 2009. A few parties have not been able to digest this. We will once again do well in the coming polls,” she argued.
Slamming the opposition for leveling baseless charges against Congress and the UPA government, Sonia Gandhi said, “The opposition is levelling several allegations of corruption against the government. What is the truth and untruth in these allegations needs to be understood well.”
Referring corruption the Congress President said “Corruption is a cancer which affects the common man the most. But we have fought this disease before and we will continue to fight this disease with all strength once again. We will fight all graft charges against us and none found guilty will be spared.  It was the Congress, which brought a strong legislation to tackle corruption – the RTI, through which any one can get information about the government”.
Taking a dig at BJP, Sonia Gandhi quipped “Those who are talking about corruption are finding themselves neck-deep in corruption.” She also slammed the opposition for trying to weaken the democratic system of the country.
Noting that the opposition had not allowed key legislations to be passed or allowed discussion on issues in parliament, she said the Congress would not allow them to succeed in their bid. “Congress is a party that has always protected the nation’s constitution,” said Sonia Gandhi.

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